Photo credit: King County
O’Brien360 served as the LEED certification consultant on the Judge Patricia H. Clark Children and Family Justice Center (CFJC), which recently earned LEED Gold certification. The CFJC brings a holistic approach to serving the needs of youth and their families within a comfortable, spacious, and sustainable space accommodating to families of all sizes and offering resources that include healthcare, education, and youth programming services. As one of King County’s first LEEDv4 projects, the CFJC has many sustainable, energy and water-saving features such as a green roof, rain garden, bio-retention ponds, and a ClimaCool® central plant with state-of-the-art heat pumps, among others. The project earned an innovation credit toward LEED certification for its green building education plan, which included developing digital signage content to be placed throughout the facility and the creation and posting of a project case study.