The Arbora Court Apartments is a project being realized by Bellwether along with University Christian Church (UCC). Leveraging a grant from Enterprise Green Communities, Bellwether Housing assembled a robust team of consultants, designers, and contractor, Walsh Construction, to develop and evaluate a large package of energy, water, and waste saving strategies early in the design.
O’Brien360 spearheaded the utility bill analysis of two, recently built, similar buildings in the owner’s portfolio, and used the existing building information to
inform and tune the occupant dependent loads assumed for the UCC design analysis. The eQUEST energy model developed by O’Brien360 for the project was used to calculate the savings of over 30 different efficiency measures, bundled into multiple packages. O’Brien360 worked closely with Bellwether and Walsh to compile the construction costs, utility costs savings, and utility incentives into a comprehensive financial analysis.